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A Cause Near and Dear…


I am writing to you because I need your help with something near and dear to my heart. As you may know, my goddaughter Mary Alice Lane has Cystic Fibrosis (CF)—I am posting today because I am committed to finding a cure and I hope you will help me.

Jay and Ali with Mary Alice

When Mary Alice, at just two months old, was diagnosed with CF I knew next to nothing about this awful disease. Cystic Fibrosis affects 35,000 children and adults and it is an ever-present danger for Mary Alice. CF could affect her digestive and respiratory systems and it also has the potential to take a toll on her kidneys, liver, reproductive organs and pancreas. CF is truly a relentless and far-reaching disease.

Even still, there are reasons to be hopeful. In recent years the efforts to find a cure for CF have been encouraging and with your support and generosity we can continue to make strides towards the ultimate goal: finding a comprehensive cure for Cystic Fibrosis.

In the nearly 14 years since Mary Alice was born she has grown into a smart, vibrant, and exceptional young lady. She attends the Baylor School where she excels in math, science and Spanish. She is a star soccer player and is even trying her hand at lacrosse! I want to do all I can to ensure that she has the bright future she so richly deserves—the very best way for me to do that is to make sure that CF doesn’t stand in her way.

Each year the CF Foundation holds a Fun-Run and Walk to raise money towards finding a cure. This year the Great Strides Walk will be held on Sunday April 29th at 2pm at Baylor School.

If you cannot attend the walk don’t worry, you can still support the cause by clicking this link to make a contribution. 

Thank you in advance for your support of this cause–it is near and dear to my heart.




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